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SDFA MLFTU Information


The South Dakota Firefighters Association has two (2) MLFTU (Mobile Live Fire Training Unit) trailers.  These trailers are available for use at State, District and Regional Fire Schools as well as for Department training events.  In the case of District/Regional type training events where a large number of Departments are likely attendees, the SDFA has a program to help offset the costs of use by providing up to $2,500 in financial assistance to help cover the cost of trailer transportation, instructor fees (mileage, lodging, per-diem) and consumables (pre-approval by the SDFA Board and documentation of costs must be provided).  There is NO DIRECT fee or cost to use the MLFTU but the training host will be responsible for costs of trailer transportation, consumables (propane, smoke fluid, materials for the door prop), instructor costs, etc...  Think of it as any other District School class or event, hosts pays the costs, we are simply providing the training prop and a list of instructors that have been approved to use it.   Contact your local SDFA District Representative for further information.  SDFA Board Member Directory can be found by clicking here.


The MLFTU supports a wide variety of training activities including but not limited to the following:

  • Live Fire
    • Main floor burn prop (rear)
    • Main floor roll-over burn prop (rear)
    • 2nd floor burn prop
  • Smoke Generator - (can be run in smoke only mode if no fire is needed)
  • Hose and nozzle technique
  • RIT
  • Forcible Entry prop
  • Wall breech prop
  • Some configurable and movable wall panels
  • Rope Work
    • 2nd story bailout window and rope anchors
  • Ladder Work

If you would like to use one of the MLFTU (Mobile Live Fire Training Units) please click the MLFTU REQUEST FOR USE FORM button and submit your information.  A representative of the SDFA will be in contact to discuss details, obtain further information and secure your proposed dates.

Below is a button to check the MLFTU Usage Calendar, you can view the dates that are currently reserved, keep in mind that a few days on either side of the event may aslo be busy as well depending on trailer transportation logistics.

WEATHER CONSIDERATIONS:  The MLFTU should not be used during freezing or near freezing weather conditions.  Plan your dates accordingly, would be very unfortunate to schedule an event, transport the trailer, incur transportation costs and be unable to use the unit

  • Using the MLFTU in freezing conditions is NOT RECOMMENDED!
    • Extreme cold can cause issues with propane vaporizing and burning correctly causing low gas pressure safety shutdown alarms and time consuming delays to reset alarms and re-start the unit.
    • Freezing weather causes SIGNIFICANT safety problems with freezing water and ice on entry stairs and areas on the ground surrounding the trailer  Extreme slip and fall hazards exist.
    • Frozen water can inhibit the units hydraulics from operating and causing issues with 2nd story raising/lowering and Teardown and packing the unit for transportation
    • Recommendation is 40+ degrees Fahrenheit
    • Depending on weather patterns roughly April-October usage window is the norm.  Past 10 year history with the unit in Platte has shown roughly a 50/50 chance on April 1st being a good day, have had to reschedule numerous training events due to freezing weather.
      • Could certainly be used in February if the weather is appropriate but it would be next to difficult to schedule in advance with any amount of certainty.  Plan your dates with these limitations in mind.
      • Trailer transport when roads are less than ideal during the winter is also not advisable


MLFTU Scheduled Use Calendar

This usage calendar shows scheduled as well as tentative events where the MLFTU is scheduled/planned to be used.  If you wish to make use of the MLFTU, check the calendar to see when/where the trailer will be located and ensure the dates you are looking at are not booked at this time.

MLFTU Instructor Cadre Members File Cache (Password Protected Site for CADRE MEMBERS)

Operational Checklists, Maintenance Logs, Gas Sensor Calibration LOGS, Usage LOGS, Forcible Entry Door Prop Instructions....

Items for Hosts to consider are:

  • Trailer Transportation - can sometimes be difficult to arrange these logistics
    • Trailer can be transported by anyone with a legally licensed tractor and driver with CDL, no HAZ-MAT endorsements are needed
    • Trailer will need to be transported to the hosts site and returned unless future uses in the region allow the next host to pick it up and transport it to their location
    • If the unit is to be stored it will need to be in a secured and protected area and accessible by the next host user when needed.
    • Estimates of transportation vary but likely no less than $3.00 per mile.  Keep in mind return mileage as well
  •  Instructor Needs - often the next most difficult logistic item
    • SENIOR LEVEL CADRE Members - these members have the most knowledge of the MLFTU and include not only setup, teardown, usage and interior operations but maintenance and troubleshooting as well.  At this time we require a minimum of 2 SENIOR LEVEL CADRE Members for an event
    • LEAD LEVEL CADRE Members - these members have knowledge primarily centered around usage and interior operations.
    • Depending on instructors distance from training location lodging for at least one night and sometimes two will be required depending on schedule and travel distance
    • Total # of instructors needed varies greatly with other factors such as
      • Number of students expected
      • Experience level of students
      • Weather Conditions (hot weather will significantly impact instructors and lesson the amount of time they can participate in interior operations)
      • Instructor abilities (some can handle more interior time than others)
      • Type of training desired
    • Costs for instructors vary but a figure of roughly $40 per class hour per instructor is likely
    • Other locally provided help are able to assist with coordinating entry teams, safety, hose-line assistance and general site needs
  • Propane usage is generally minimal
    • Trailer has (2) 420# tanks on board (200 gallons) which is usually enough for a two day training event
    • The intent is that the trailer will be full when a host picks it up, and it will be returned full with host covering costs of propane used
  • Smoke Fluid
    • Can burn through a fair amount of smoke fluid, a few gallons a day is possible especially in windy conditions, again depends on the type of training evolutions being conducted
    • The trailer will have smoke fluid on board for refill and the costs of fluid will be billed/deducted from the financial assistance package it applicable
    • Cost is roughly $130 per gallon
  • Training Site Location
    • Safe area, closed street, parking lot
    • Paved area works best
    • Fairly level, trailer has independent leveling jacks but there are limitations
    • Good drainage, at times significant water flow may be generated and can cause issues
  • WEATHER CONSIDERATIONS:  The MLFTU should not be used during freezing or near freezing weather conditions.  Plan your dates accordingly, would be very unfortunate to schedule an event, transport the trailer, incur transportation costs and be unable to use the unit
    • Using the MLFTU in freezing conditions is NOT RECOMMENDED!
      • Extreme cold can cause issues with propane vaporizing and burning correctly causing low gas pressure safety shutdown alarms and time consuming delays to reset alarms and re-start the unit.
      • Freezing weather causes SIGNIFICANT safety problems with freezing water and ice on entry stairs and areas on the ground surrounding the trailer  Extreme slip and fall hazards exist.
      • Frozen water can inhibit the units hydraulics from operating and causing issues with 2nd story raising/lowering and Teardown and packing the unit for transportation
      • Recommendation is 40+ degrees Fahrenheit
      • Depending on weather patterns roughly April-October usage window is the norm.  Past 10 year history with the unit in Platte has shown roughly a 50/50 chance on April 1st being a good day, have had to reschedule numerous training events due to freezing weather.
        • Could certainly be used in February if the weather is appropriate but it would be next to difficult to schedule in advance with any amount of certainty.  Plan your dates with these limitations in mind.
        • Trailer transport when roads are less than ideal during the winter is also not advisable


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